Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Coffee snapshot: Wandering Goat's Sidamo Natural

Caught on film: Got this shot of a goat wandering across
my counter top just hours before a room mate reported seeing our dog
chase a small chuck wagon through the kitchen. Very strange.

(click on image to enlarge)

I was lying in bed the other morning, it was early and still dark out. That's when it came from the kitchen, through the dinning room- down the hall, underneath my door and woke me. This wonderful, strong aroma was sweet and unmistakable! My newest room mate, in a rare display of I-woke-up-and-got-to-the-coffee-first-ness, was brewing a cup of Wandering Goat Coffee Roasters' Sidamo Natural, a coffee bean varietal from Ethiopia. I'll admit it- I was genuinely surprised and absolutely delighted with how incredible this coffee was. It was absolutely delicious! When my friend and I got to the counter at Wandering Goat I looked over the whole-bean coffee menu and decided on an espresso blend. Fortunately for me they were low enough on their current supply of espresso that they had to save the rest for making drinks at the cafe. My Barista was very helpful and recommended his current favorite for brewing at home; Sidamo Natural. The first thing I noticed was the strong, sweet chocolaty aroma of the beans themselves. And just to make sure, I handed the beans to my friend and the first thing out of his mouth was "chocolate!" It got even better when we brewed and tasted it. A sweet aroma,smooth, hints of chocolate and satisfying. What a cup of coffee! What a way to start the day. Try some of Wandering Goat's Sidamo Natural for yourself or ask your Barista for a recommendation. You wont be disappointed and you may just be surprised.  o(__)

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